

一. 学术论文:在国内外本领域多种重要学术期刊上发表学术论文400余篇,发表综述论文16篇,其中300余篇被SCI和EI检索,400余篇被Math. Review检索,谷歌学术搜索被国内外同行学者论著引用一万余篇次,2020年、2021年、2022年连续三年上榜“爱思唯尔中国高被引学者”(Most Cited Chinese Researchers. For Exceptional Research Performance in the Field of Mathematics)。代表性论文如下:

1. Rainbow structures in a collection of graphs with degree conditions, J. Graph Theory 104(2)(2023), 341-359. (with L.Y. Li and P. Li).

2. The flow index of regular Class I graphs, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 36(3)(2022). (with J.A. Li and M.L.  Wang). 

3. Group connectivity under 3-edge-connectivity, J. Graph Theory 96(2021). (with M.M. Han, J.A. Li and M.L. Wang).

4. The (revised) Szeged index and the Wiener index of a nonbipartite graph, Europ. J.  Combin.  36(2014). (with L.L. Chen and M.M. Liu).

5. The asymptotic value of the Randic index for trees, Adv. Appl. Math. 47(2)(2011). (with Y.Y. Li).

6. Complete solution to a conjecture on the maximal energy of unicyclic graphs, Europ. J. Combin. 32(2011). (with B.F. Huo and Y.T. Shi).

7. Standard forms of stabilizer and normalizer matrices for additive quantum codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 54(8)(2008). (with R.H. Li and Z.B. Xu).

8. The number of removable edges in a 4-connected graph, J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B, 92(2004). (with J.C. Wu and J.J. Su).

9. Binary construction of quantum codes of minimum distance three and four, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 50(6)(2004). (with R.H. Li).

10. The minimum all-ones problem for trees, SIAM J. Computing 33(2)(2004). (with William Y.C. Chen, C. Wang and X.Y. Zhang).

11. Solutions for two conjectures on the inverse problem of the Wiener index of peptoids, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 17(2)(2003). (with L.S. Wang).

12. Semikernels and (k,l)-kernels in the line digraph, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 11(2)(1998). (with H. Galeana-Sanchez).

13. Isomorphisms of P3-graphs, J. Graph Theory 21(1)(1996). 

14. The connectivity of the basis graph of a branching greedoid, J. Graph Theory 16(3) (1992). (with H.J. Broersma).

15. Hardness results for three kinds of colored connections of graphs, Theoret. Comput. Sci.  841(2020).  (with Z. Huang).

16. The asymptotic number of non-isomorphic rooted trees obtained by rooting a tree, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 434(2016). (with Y.Y. Li and Y.T. Shi). 

17. The Laplacian energy of random graphs, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 368(2010). (with W.X. Du and Y.Y. Li).

18. A combinatorial algorithm for minimum weighted colorings of claw-free perfect graphs, J. Combin. Optim. 9(4)(2005). (with W.A. Zang).

19. Monochromatic-degree conditions for properly colored cycles in edge-colored complete graphs, Discrete Math. 346(2023). (with X.Z. Chen).

20. Extremal graphs for topological index defined by a degree-based edge-weight function, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 88(3)(2022). (with Z.K. Hu, L.Y. Li and D.N. Peng).

21. Trees with extremal spectral radius of weighted adjacency matrices among trees weighted by degree-based indices, Linear Algebra Appl. 620(2021). (with Z.Q. Wang).

22. Asymptotic values of four Laplacian-type energies for matrices with degree-distance-based entries of random graphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 612(2021). (with Y.Y. Li and Z.Q. Wang).

23. The asymptotic value of energy for matrices with degree-distance-based entries of random graphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 603(2020). (with Y.Y. Li and Z.Q. Wang).

24. The matching energy of random graphs, Discrete Appl. Math. 193(2015). (with X.L. Chen and H.S. Lian).

25. The energy of random graphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 435(2011). (with W.X. Du and Y.Y. Li).

26. The inverse problem for some topological indices in combinatorial chemistry, J. Computational Biology 10(1)(2003). (with Z.M. Li and L.S. Wang).

27. A complete solution to a conjecture on beta-polynomials of graphs, J. Math. Chem. 33(3-4)(2003). (with H.X. Zhao and L.S. Wang).

28. Rainbow connection number and connectivity, Electron. J. Combin. 19(2012), #P20. (with S.J. Liu, L.S. Chandran, R. Mathew, and D. Rajendraprasad).

29. Solutions to conjectures on the (k,l)-rainbow index of complete graphs, Networks 62(2013). (with Q.Q. Cai and J.L. Song).

30. Connections between generalized graph entropies and graph energy, Complexity 21(1)(2015). (with M. Dehmer and Y.T. Shi).

31. The covering values for acyclic digraph games, Internat. J. Game Theory. 40(2011). (with L. Li).

32. Rainbow connection numbers and the minimum degree sum of a graph, Sci. China: Math. (in Chinese) 43(1)(2013). (with J.Y. Dong).

33. The skew-rank of oriented graphs, Sci. China: Math. (in Chinese) 45(1)(2015). (with G.H. Yu).

34. Bounds for the rainbow disconnection numbers of graphs, Acta Math. Sin. 38(2)(2022). (with X.Q. Bai and Z. Huang).

35. The generalized 3-connectivity of random graphs, Acta Math. Sin. (in Chinese) 57(2)(2014). (with R. Gu and Y.T. Shi).

36. Partitioning complete graphs by heterochromatic trees, Acta Math. Appl. Sin. 28(4)(2012). (with Z.M. Jin).

二. 出版著作:在国外出版著作共10部(其中在Springer出版社出版专著4部),在高等教育出版社出版译著2部,还应邀为国际杂志专刊客座编辑。详细目录如下:

1. Chinese Translation of “Laszlo Lovasz, Combinatorial Problems and Exercises  (Chapters 9-15), Second Edition, AMS Chelsea Publishing, Providence, Rhode  Island, 2007”, Higher Education Press, Beijing, China, April 2019. ISBN  978-7-04-051491-9. (with Y.T. Shi).

2. Properly Colored Connectivity of Graphs, Springer Briefs in Mathematics,  Springer, Switzerland, 2018. ISBN 978-3-319-89616-8. (with C. Magnant and Z.M.  Qin).

3. Chinese Translation of “Laszlo Lovasz, Combinatorial Problems and Exercises  (Chapters 1-8), Second Edition, AMS Chelsea Publishing, Providence, Rhode  Island, 2007”, Higher Education Press, Beijing, China, March 2017. ISBN  978-7-04-047096-3. (with Y.T. Shi).

4. Graph Polynomials, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2017. ISBN:  978-1-4987-5590-0. (Edited with Y.T. Shi, M. Dehmer and I. Gutman).

5. Mathematical Foundations and Applications of Graph Entropy, Quantitative and  Network Biology Vol.6, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2016. ISBN 978-3-527-33909-9.  (Edited with M. Dehmer, F. Emmert-Streib, Z. Chen and Y. Shi).

6. Generalized Connectivity of Graphs, Springer Briefs in Mathematics,  Springer, Switzerland, 2016. ISBN 978-3-319-33827-9. (with Y.P. Mao).

7. Energies of Graphs--Theory and Applications, Mathematical Chemistry  Monographs No.17, Kragujevac, 2016, pp.III+290. ISBN: 978-86-6009-033-3. (Edited  with I. Gutman).

8. Graph Energy, Springer, New York, 2012. ISBN 978-1-4614-4219-6. (with Y.T.  Shi and I. Gutman).

9. Rainbow Connections of Graphs, Springer Briefs in Mathematics, Springer, New  York, 2012. ISBN 978-1-4614-3118-3. (with Y.F. Sun).

10. Chinese Translation of “William J. Cook, William H. Cunningham, William R.  Pulleyblank, Alexander Schrijver, Combinatorial Optimization, John Wiley &  Sons, Inc., 1998”, Higher Education Press, Beijing, China, March 2011. ISBN  978-7-04-031959-0. (with Y.T. Shi).

11. Mathematical Aspects of Randic-Type Molecular Structure Descriptors,  Mathematical Chemistry Monographs No.1, Kragujevac, 2006, pp.VI+330. (with I.  Gutman).

12. Discrete Geometry, Combinatorics and Graph Theory, 7th China-Japan  Conference, CJCDGCGT 2005, Tianjin, China, November 18-20, 2005, and Xi'an,  China, November 22-24, 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.4381, 2007,  Springer (Volume Editor, with J. Akiyama, W.Y.C. Chen, M. Kano and Q. Yu).

13. Special Issue Dedicated to Prof. Fuji Zhang on the occasion of his 70th  birthday, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry  56(3)(2006). (Guest Editor, with X.F. Guo and Z.B. Chen).

14. Graph Theory with Applications, Special Issue in Axioms, July 2022. (Guest Editor, with J.A. Li).  

15. Advances in Graph Theory and Combinatorial Optimization, Special Issue in Axioms, September 2023. (Guest Editor, with W.H. He).