

一. 国内外学术期刊杂志编委

1. Discrete Applied Mathematics (SCI, 2022 IF 1.1) (Elsevier, USA)  

2. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry (SCI, 2022 IF 1.7) (Springer,  Canada)  

3. Graphs and Combinatorics (SCI, 2022 IF 0.7) (Springer, Japan)  

4. MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (SCI, 2022 IF 2.6) (Serbia)  

5. Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory (SCI, 2022 IF 0.7) (Poland)  

6. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (SCI, 2022 IF 1.2) (Springer, Malaysia)  

7. Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (speciality section of Frontiers in Chemistry) (SCI, 2022 IF 5.5) (Switzerland)

8. Axioms (SCI, 2022 IF 2.0) (MDPI,  Switzerland)  

9. AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics (SCI, 2022 IF 1.0) (Elsevier, India) 

10. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series, SCI, 2020 IF 1.102)  (Springer, China)  

11. Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications (ESCI, 2020 IF 0.32)  (World Scientific, Singapore)  

12. Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics (ESCI, 2020 IF 0.14)  (India)  

13. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (Chinese Series) (China)  

14. Theory and Applications of Graphs (USA)  

15. Open Journal of Discrete Applied Mathematics (Pakistan)  

16. Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization (Iran)  

17. Discrete Mathematical Chemistry (Slovenia)

18. Reviewer for zbMATH (Zentralblatt MATH) 

19. Advances in Mathematics (China, 2007--2018)  

二. 国内外学术机构任职

1. Vice President of the International Academy of Mathematical Chemistry (IAMC)  (2014--present, Elected on June 9, 2014, and June 22, 2023; Member, Elected on June 22, 2011)  (links: IAMC (iamc-online.eu)IAMC (iamc-online.eu))

2. President for the Chinese Society of Combinatorics and Graph Theory  (2014--2018; Vice President during 2006--2014; Secretary-General during  2006--2010)  

3. Honorary President and Chief Supervisor of Tianjin Society for Industrial  and Applied Mathematics (TJSIAM) (2019--2023 )  

4. President of Tianjin Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (TJSIAM)  (2015--2019; Secretary-General during 2007--2015)  

5. Chief Supervisor of Tianjin Mathematical Society (TJMS) (2019--2023 )  

6. Vice President of Tianjin Mathematical Society (TJMS) (2014--2019)  

7. Member of the 8th Committee of the Tianjin Association for Sciense and  Technology (2014--2019)  

8. Council Member of the Chinese Mathematical Society (CMS) (2015--2020)  

9. Executive Council Member of the Chinese Society for Industrial and Applied  Mathematics (CSIAM) (2016--2021; Member during 2012--2016)