

国际数学化学科学院(International Academy of Mathematical Chemistry)年会(General meeting)于2023622日在斯洛文尼亚的克拉尼什卡高拉(Klanjska Gora)举行,同时也开通了ZOOM链接线上参加会议。会议讨论并以无记名投票的方式完成了以下几个议题: 章程修改,新一届领导机构换届,以及推荐新的成员等等。

我中心李学良教授线上参加了会议,并再次当选为新一届领导机构的副主席。其中,克罗地亚的萨格勒布大学Tomislav Doslic教授当选为新一届主席,斯洛文尼亚的卢布尔亚娜大学Sandi Klavzar教授再次当选为欧洲区副主席、美国的德克萨斯农工大学Douglas J. Klein教授再次当选为美洲区副主席、中国南开大学的李学良教授再次当选为亚洲区副主席、塞尔维亚的克拉古耶瓦什大学Boris Furtula教授再次当选为秘书长。


第九条:The Academy shall have a Nominating Committee, composed of the President of the Academy, a distinguished Member, educated as a Chemist and a distinguished Member educated as a Mathematician. New Members of the Academy are chosen at the General Meeting by Members present at the meeting. New Members shall be nominated by two Members of the Academy that reside in different countries and are not from the country of the candidate. A nomination letter together with a candidate's CV and list of at most 10 publications shall be sent by e-mail to the Secretary with a CC to the President, at least one month before election. The nomination shall be accompanied by a short letter of support of the candidate. At the next General Meeting, the Nominating Committee should give a formal justification, in writing, for the nomination. After as much discussion as is deemed necessary, voting shall take place for each candidate. To be accepted as a new Member, the candidate shall be required to have accrued at least 50% + one vote of the votes cast.

英国化学家Patrick W. Fowler教授和著名图论专家加拿大数学家Bojan Mohar教授当选为提名委员会(Nominating Committee)委员。