1. | 陈永川,李雪珊,王国亮 |
| A bijection between atomic partitions and unsplitable partitions |
| Electron. J. Combin. |
2. | 窦全杰,杨立波 |
| On the modes of polynomials derived from nondecreasing sequences |
| Electron. J. Combin. |
3. | 陈永川,桑冬鸣,施亚辉 |
| Anti-lecture hall compositions and overpartitions |
| J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 118 (4) (2011) 1451-1464 |
4. | 陈永川,夏先伟 |
| The ratio monotonicity of the q-derangement numbers |
| Discrete Math. |
5. | 陈永川,杨立波,周立芳 |
| Ratio monotonicity of polynomials derived from nondecreasing sequences |
| Electron. J. Combin. 17 (2010) #N37 |
6. | 陈永川,王国亮 |
| Singletons and adjacencies of set partitions of type B |
| Discrete Math. |
7. | 陈永川,林丽双 |
| Congruences for bipartitions with odd parts distinct |
| Ramanujan J. 25 (2011) 277-293. |
8. | 陈永川,季青,刘海 |
| Partition identities for Ramanujan's third order mock theta functions |
| Quart. J. Math. |
9. | 陈永川,范久瑜,李雪珊 |
| Han's bijection via permutation codes |
| European J. Combin. 32 (2011) 217-225 |
10. | 侯庆虎,T. Mansour |
| Kernel method and systems of functional equations with several conditions |
| J. Comput. Appl. Math. |
11. | 陈永川,季青,朱佳文 |
| On Stanley's partition function |
| Electron. J. Combin. 17 (2010) #N31. |
12. | 陈永川,侯庆虎,孙慧 |
| The method of combinatorial telescoping |
| J. Combin. Theory Ser. A |
13. | 陈永川,王也洲,C.H. Yan,赵飞燕 |
| Mixed statistics on 01-fillings of moon polyominoes |
| SIAM J. Discrete Math. 24 (4) (2010) 1272-1290 |
14. | 陈永川,窦全杰,张永杰 |
| On three and four vicious walkers |
| J. Statist. Plann. Inference 141 (2011) 94-101 |
15. | 陈永川,夏先伟 |
| The 2-log-convexity of the Apéry numbers |
| Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. |
16. | 陈永川,王国亮 |
| The limiting distribution of the q-derangement numbers |
| European J. Combin. 31 (2010) 2006-2013 |
17. | 陈永川,刘海 |
| A Franklin type involution for squares |
| Adv. Appl. Math. |
18. | 陈焕林,陈永川,付梅,臧经涛 |
| The Algorithm Z and Ramanujan's $_1_psi_1$ summation |
| Ramanujan J. 25 (1) (2011) 37-47 |
19. | 陈永川,夏先伟 |
| Proof of Moll's minimum conjecture |
| European J. Combin. |
20. | 唐潋,王彬 |
| A scale-free network with limiting on vertices |
| Phys. A |
21. | 陈永川,王国亮 |
| Minimally intersecting set partitions of type B |
| Electron. J. Combin. 17 (2010) #R22 |
22. | 陈永川,王星炜 |
| On balanced colorings of the n-cube |
| J. Alg. Combin. |
23. | 陈永川,S. Poznanovic,C. H. Yan,杨立波 |
| Major index for 01-fillings of moon polyominoes |
| J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 117(8) (2010) 1058-1081. |
24. | 陈永川,H. L. Saad,孙慧 |
| An operator approach to the Al-Salam-Carlitz polynomials |
| J. Math. Phys. 51 (2010) 043502 |
25. | 陈永川,王星炜,杨立波 |
| Schur positivity and the q-log-convexity of the Narayana polynomials |
| J. Alg. Combin. |
26. | 谷珊珊,H. Prodinger |
| One-parameter generalizations of Rogers-Ramanujan type identities |
| Adv. Appl. Math. |
27. | 侯庆虎,Y.-P. Mu |
| Hypergeometric series solutions of linear operator equations |
| Appl. Math. Comput. |
28. | 李学良,连会书 |
| Conjugated chemical trees with extremal energy |
| MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. |
29. | F.W. Li,Q.F. Ye,李学良 |
| Tenacity and rupture degree of permutation graphs of complete bipartite graphs |
| Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. |
30. | 李静 |
| A note on the maximal Estrada index of trees with a given bipartition |
| MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. |
31. | 火博丰,李学良,史永堂 |
| Complete solution to a problem on the maximal energy of unicyclic bipartite graphs |
| Linear Algebra Appl. |
32. | 李磊,李学良 |
| The covering values for acyclic digraph games |
| Internat. J. Game Theory |
33. | 火博丰,计省进,李学良,史永堂 |
| Complete solution to a conjecture on the fourth maximal energy tree |
| MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. |
34. | 李学良,李一阳 |
| The asymptotic value of the Randic index for trees |
| Adv. Appl. Math. |
35. | 火博丰,计省进,李学良 |
| Solutions to unsolved problems on the minimal energies of two classes of graphs |
| MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. |
36. | 李学良,孙跃方 |
| On the rainbow k-connnectitity of complete graphs |
| Australasian J. Combin. |
37. | 杜文学,李学良,李一阳 |
| The energy of random graphs |
| Linear Algebra Appl. |
38. | 杜文学,李学良,李一阳,S. Severini |
| A note on the von Neumann entropy of random graphs |
| Linear Algebra Appl. |
39. | 吴泽芳,杨旭,Q. L. Yu |
| A note on graph minors and strong products |
| Appl. Math. Lett. |
40. | 火博丰,计省进,李学良 |
| Note on unicyclic graphs with given number of pendent vertices and minimal energy |
| Linear Algebra Appl. |
41. | 李学良,孙跃方 |
| Note on the rainbow k-connectivity of regular complete bipartite graphs |
| Ars Combin. |
42. | 李学良,史永堂 |
| On a relation between the Randic index and the chromatic number |
| Discrete Math. |
43. | 李学良,刘建熙,钟玲平 |
| Trees with a given order and matching number that have maximum general Randic index |
| Discrete Math. |
44. | 李莎莎,李学良,周文礼 |
| Sharp bounds for the generalized connectivity κ3(G) |
| Discrete Math. |
45. | 王涛,吴泽芳,Q. L. Yu |
| Two-tough graphs and f-factors with given properties |
| Discrete Math. |
46. | 鲁红亮,吴泽芳,杨旭 |
| Eigenvalues and [1; n]-odd factors |
| Linear Algebra Appl. |
47. | 李玮,李学良,I. Gutman |
| Volkmann trees and their molecular structure descriptors |
| Mathematical Chemistry Monographs No.9: Molecular Structure Descriptors-Theory and Applications II,231-246. |
48. | 李静,李学良,L. S. Wang |
| The minimal Estrada index of trees with two maximum degree vertices |
| MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. |
49. | 杜文学,李学良,李一阳 |
| The Laplacian energy of random graphs |
| J. Math. Anal. Appl. |
50. | 火博丰,李学良,史永堂,L. S. Wang |
| Determining the conjugated trees with the third- through the sixth-minimal energies |
| MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. |
51. | 贾斌,路在平,王改霞 |
| A calss of symmetric graphs with 2-arc transitive quotients |
| J. Graph Theory |
52. | 白冰,郇潇,于青林 |
| On classification of extendability of Cayley graphs on dicyclic groups |
| Util. Math. |
53. | 白冰,吴泽芳,杨旭,Q. L. Yu |
| Lexicographic product of extendable graphs |
| Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2) |
54. | 高维东,Y.L. Li,彭江涛,C. Plyley,王国庆 |
| On the index of sequences over cyclic groups |
| Acta Arith. |
55. | 高维东,彭江涛,王国庆 |
| Behaving sequences |
| J. Combin. Theory Ser. A |
56. | 王庆红,瞿勇科 |
| On the critical number of finite groups (II) |
| Ars Combin. |
57. | 高维东,Y.O. Hamidoune,王国庆 |
| Distinct length modular zero-sum subsequences_a proof of Graham's conjecture |
| J. Number Theory |
58. | M.E. Nebel,Christian Reidys,王蕊 |
| Loops in canonical RNA pseudoknot structures |
| J. Comp. Biol. |
59. | 高志明,李宴美,Christian Reidys |
| Inverse folding of RNA pseudoknot structures |
| Algorithms. Mol. Biol. |
60. | Christian Reidys,王蕊,赵阳洋 |
| Modular,k-noncrossing diagrams |
| Electron. J. Combin. 17 (2010), #R76 |
61. | Christian Reidys,王蕊 |
| Shapes of RNA pseudoknot structures |
| J. Comp. Biol. |