
1. 陈永川,李雪珊,王国亮

A bijection between atomic partitions and unsplitable partitions

Electron. J. Combin.
2. 窦全杰,杨立波

On the modes of polynomials derived from nondecreasing sequences

Electron. J. Combin.
3. 陈永川,桑冬鸣,施亚辉

Anti-lecture hall compositions and overpartitions

J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 118 (4) (2011) 1451-1464
4. 陈永川,夏先伟

The ratio monotonicity of the q-derangement numbers

Discrete Math.
5. 陈永川,杨立波,周立芳

Ratio monotonicity of polynomials derived from nondecreasing sequences

Electron. J. Combin. 17 (2010) #N37
6. 陈永川,王国亮

Singletons and adjacencies of set partitions of type B

Discrete Math.
7. 陈永川,林丽双

Congruences for bipartitions with odd parts distinct

Ramanujan J. 25 (2011) 277-293.
8. 陈永川,季青,刘海

Partition identities for Ramanujan's third order mock theta functions

Quart. J. Math.
9. 陈永川,范久瑜,李雪珊

Han's bijection via permutation codes

European J. Combin. 32 (2011) 217-225
10. 侯庆虎,T. Mansour

Kernel method and systems of functional equations with several conditions

J. Comput. Appl. Math.
11. 陈永川,季青,朱佳文

On Stanley's partition function

Electron. J. Combin. 17 (2010) #N31.
12. 陈永川,侯庆虎,孙慧

The method of combinatorial telescoping

J. Combin. Theory Ser. A
13. 陈永川,王也洲,C.H. Yan,赵飞燕

Mixed statistics on 01-fillings of moon polyominoes

SIAM J. Discrete Math. 24 (4) (2010) 1272-1290
14. 陈永川,窦全杰,张永杰

On three and four vicious walkers

J. Statist. Plann. Inference 141 (2011) 94-101
15. 陈永川,夏先伟

The 2-log-convexity of the Apéry numbers

Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
16. 陈永川,王国亮

The limiting distribution of the q-derangement numbers

European J. Combin. 31 (2010) 2006-2013
17. 陈永川,刘海

A Franklin type involution for squares

Adv. Appl. Math.
18. 陈焕林,陈永川,付梅,臧经涛

The Algorithm Z and Ramanujan's $_1_psi_1$ summation

Ramanujan J. 25 (1) (2011) 37-47
19. 陈永川,夏先伟

Proof of Moll's minimum conjecture

European J. Combin.
20. 唐潋,王彬

A scale-free network with limiting on vertices

Phys. A
21. 陈永川,王国亮

Minimally intersecting set partitions of type B

Electron. J. Combin. 17 (2010) #R22
22. 陈永川,王星炜

On balanced colorings of the n-cube

J. Alg. Combin.
23. 陈永川,S. Poznanovic,C. H. Yan,杨立波

Major index for 01-fillings of moon polyominoes

J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 117(8) (2010) 1058-1081.
24. 陈永川,H. L. Saad,孙慧

An operator approach to the Al-Salam-Carlitz polynomials

J. Math. Phys. 51 (2010) 043502
25. 陈永川,王星炜,杨立波

Schur positivity and the q-log-convexity of the Narayana polynomials

J. Alg. Combin.
26. 谷珊珊,H. Prodinger

One-parameter generalizations of Rogers-Ramanujan type identities

Adv. Appl. Math.
27. 侯庆虎,Y.-P. Mu

Hypergeometric series solutions of linear operator equations

Appl. Math. Comput.
28. 李学良,连会书

Conjugated chemical trees with extremal energy

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
29. F.W. Li,Q.F. Ye,李学良

Tenacity and rupture degree of permutation graphs of complete bipartite graphs

Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.
30. 李静

A note on the maximal Estrada index of trees with a given bipartition

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
31. 火博丰,李学良,史永堂

Complete solution to a problem on the maximal energy of unicyclic bipartite graphs

Linear Algebra Appl.
32. 李磊,李学良

The covering values for acyclic digraph games

Internat. J. Game Theory
33. 火博丰,计省进,李学良,史永堂

Complete solution to a conjecture on the fourth maximal energy tree

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
34. 李学良,李一阳

The asymptotic value of the Randic index for trees

Adv. Appl. Math.
35. 火博丰,计省进,李学良

Solutions to unsolved problems on the minimal energies of two classes of graphs

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
36. 李学良,孙跃方

On the rainbow k-connnectitity of complete graphs

Australasian J. Combin.
37. 杜文学,李学良,李一阳

The energy of random graphs

Linear Algebra Appl.
38. 杜文学,李学良,李一阳,S. Severini

A note on the von Neumann entropy of random graphs

Linear Algebra Appl.
39. 吴泽芳,杨旭,Q. L. Yu

A note on graph minors and strong products

Appl. Math. Lett.
40. 火博丰,计省进,李学良

Note on unicyclic graphs with given number of pendent vertices and minimal energy

Linear Algebra Appl.
41. 李学良,孙跃方

Note on the rainbow k-connectivity of regular complete bipartite graphs

Ars Combin.
42. 李学良,史永堂

On a relation between the Randic index and the chromatic number

Discrete Math.
43. 李学良,刘建熙,钟玲平

Trees with a given order and matching number that have maximum general Randic index

Discrete Math.
44. 李莎莎,李学良,周文礼

Sharp bounds for the generalized connectivity κ3(G)

Discrete Math.
45. 王涛,吴泽芳,Q. L. Yu

Two-tough graphs and f-factors with given properties

Discrete Math.
46. 鲁红亮,吴泽芳,杨旭

Eigenvalues and [1; n]-odd factors

Linear Algebra Appl.
47. 李玮,李学良,I. Gutman

Volkmann trees and their molecular structure descriptors

Mathematical Chemistry Monographs No.9: Molecular Structure Descriptors-Theory and Applications II,231-246.
48. 李静,李学良,L. S. Wang

The minimal Estrada index of trees with two maximum degree vertices

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
49. 杜文学,李学良,李一阳

The Laplacian energy of random graphs

J. Math. Anal. Appl.
50. 火博丰,李学良,史永堂,L. S. Wang

Determining the conjugated trees with the third- through the sixth-minimal energies

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
51. 贾斌,路在平,王改霞

A calss of symmetric graphs with 2-arc transitive quotients

J. Graph Theory
52. 白冰,郇潇,于青林

On classification of extendability of Cayley graphs on dicyclic groups

Util. Math.
53. 白冰,吴泽芳,杨旭,Q. L. Yu

Lexicographic product of extendable graphs

Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2)
54. 高维东,Y.L. Li,彭江涛,C. Plyley,王国庆

On the index of sequences over cyclic groups

Acta Arith.
55. 高维东,彭江涛,王国庆

Behaving sequences

J. Combin. Theory Ser. A
56. 王庆红,瞿勇科

On the critical number of finite groups (II)

Ars Combin.
57. 高维东,Y.O. Hamidoune,王国庆

Distinct length modular zero-sum subsequences_a proof of Graham's conjecture

J. Number Theory
58. M.E. Nebel,Christian Reidys,王蕊

Loops in canonical RNA pseudoknot structures

J. Comp. Biol.
59. 高志明,李宴美,Christian Reidys

Inverse folding of RNA pseudoknot structures

Algorithms. Mol. Biol.
60. Christian Reidys,王蕊,赵阳洋

Modular,k-noncrossing diagrams

Electron. J. Combin. 17 (2010), #R76
61. Christian Reidys,王蕊

Shapes of RNA pseudoknot structures

J. Comp. Biol.