
1. L.Y. Li,P. Li,  X. Li

Rainbow pancyclicity in a collection of graphs under the Dirac-type condition

Acta Math. Appl. Sin., Ser. En.
2. Longfei Fang, Huiqiu Lin, Yongtang Shi

Extremal spectral results of planar graphs without vertex-disjoint cycles

Journal of Graph Theory
3. Yongxin Lan, Yongtang Shi, Zi-Xia Song

Planar Turan numbers of cubic graphs and disjoint union of cycles

Graphs and Combinatorics
4. Junxue Zhang 

Extremal numbers for disjoint copies of a clique

Discrete Appl. Math.
5. Zhipeng Gao, Rongling Lang, Changqing Xi, Jun Yue


Discrete Math.
6. Ran Gu , Hui Lei, Yongtang Shi, Yiqiao Wang

A note on rainbow-free colorings of uniform hypergraphs

Discrete Applied Mathematics
7. Jiaao Li, Yongtang Shi, Zhouningxin Wang, Chunyan Wei

Homomorphism to small negative even cycles

European Journal of Combinatorics
8. X.Z. Chen, L.Y. Li, X. Li

Edge-disjoint properly colored cycles in edge-colored complete graphs

Discrete Appl. Math. 
9. J. Hu, L.Y. Li, X. Li, N.Y. Xu

Vertex-bipancyclicity in a bipartite graph collection

Discrete Math.
10. Qi Cai, Zaiping Lu

Biprimitive edge-transitive pentavalent graphs

Discrete Math.
11. Ran Ju, Jingjian Li, Zaiping Lu

On symmetric bi-cayley graphs of prime valency on nonabelian simple groups

European Journal of Combinatorics
12. X. Li, N. Yang

Spectral properties and energy of weighted adjacency matrix for graphs with a degree-based edge-weight function

Acta Math. Sinica, Ser. En
13. X. Li, N. Yang

Unified approach for spectral properties of weighted adjacency matrices for graphs with degree-based edge-weights

Linear Algebra Appl.
J. Gao, N. Yang

Some bounds on the largest eigenvalue of degree-based weighted adjacency matrix of a graph

Discrete Appl. Math.
                    15. X. Li, B. Ning, Y.T. Shi, S.G. Zhang

Counting rainbow triangles in edge-colored graphs

 J. Graph Theory
L.Y. Li, X. Li, Y.P. Mao, Y. Si

Gallai-Ramsey numbers for rainbow trees and monochromatic complete graphs

Discuss. Math. Graph Theory
                    17. X. Li, Y. Si

Gallai-Ramsey multiplicity for rainbow small trees

Graphs & Combin.
Jiaao Li,Yulai Ma,Zhengke Miao,Yongtang Shi, Weifan Wang

Nowhere-Zero 3-Flows in Signed Planar Graphs

Electron. J. Combin. 
Bo Wang and Candice X.T. Zhang

Interlacing Property of a Family of Generating Polynomials over Dyck Paths

Electron. J. Combin. 
Bo Wang, Candice X.T. Zhang and Zhongxue Zhang

Newton polytopes of dual k-Schur polynomials

Adv. in Appl. Math.
Bo Wang, Candice X.T. Zhang

Some criteria for higher order Turan inequalities in the spirit of Marık’s theorem

J. Differ. Equ. Appl.
Alice. L.L. Gao, Nicholas Proudfoot, Arthur L.B. Yang, Zhongxue Zhang

The combinatorics behind the leading Kazhdan–Lusztig coefficients of braid matroids

Electron. J. Combin. 
23. J. Gao, X. Li, N. Yang, R.L. Zheng 

Maximum energy bicyclic graphs containing two odd cycles with one common vertex

Discrete Appl. Math.