
1. 崔素平,谷珊珊,郝莉君

On second and eighth order mock theta functions

Ramanujan J.
2. 谷珊珊,郝莉君

On some new mock theta functions

J. Aust. Math. Soc.
3. 崔素平,谷珊珊

Congruences modulo powers of 2 for generalized Frobenius partitions with six colors 

Int. J. Number Theory
4. F.F. Cai,侯庆虎,孙怡东,杨立波

Combinatorial identities related to 2*2 submatrices of recursive matrices

Discrete Math.
5. 郜璐璐,解红叶,杨立波

Schur positivity and log-concavity related to longest increasing subsequences

Discrete Math.
6. 常虹,冀蒙,李学良,张静姝

Conflict-free connection of trees

J. Comb. Optim
7. H. Jiang,W.J. Li,李学良,C. Magnant

On proper (strong) rainbow connection of graphs

Discuss. Math. Graph Theory
8. 冀蒙,李学良

Strong conflict-free connection of graphs

Appl. Math. Comput. 364(2020)
9. 李学良,张莹莹, X.Y. Zhu,Y.P. Mao,H.X. Zhao,S. Jendrol'

Conflict-free vertex-connections of graphs

Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 40(1)(2020)
10. W. Xia,李学良

Adjacency rank and independence number of a signed graph

Bull. Malays. Math. Sci.
11. H.Z. Li ,Y.B. Ma,李学良

The vertex-rainbow connection number of some graph operations

Discuss. Math. Graph Theory
12. 李平,李学良

Monochromatic k-edge-connection colorings of graphs

Discrete Math.
13. 陈小林,李学良,连会书

Rainbow k-connectivity of random bipartite graphs

Acta Math. Appl. Sin.
14. 冀蒙,李学良,X.Y. Zhu

(Strong) conflict-free connectivity Algorithm and complexity

Theoret. Comput. Sci.
15. 顾冉,李学良,史永堂

Hypergraph Turan numbers of vertex disjoint cycles

Acta Math. Appl. Sin.
16. 冀蒙,李学良

Erd\"{o}s-Gallai-type results for conflict-free connection of graphs

Ars Combin.
17. Q. Cai, N. Fan, 史永堂,姚顺雨

Integer linear programming formulations for double Roman domination problem

Optim. Methods Softw.
18. H. Liu, C. Magnant, A. Saito, I. Schiermeyer, 史永堂

Gallai-Ramsey number for K4

J. Graph Theory
19. 兰永新,史永堂

Planar Turan numbers of short paths

Graphs Combin.
20. 兰永新,史永堂, Z-X. Song

Planar anti-Ramsey numbers for paths and cycles

Discrete Math.
21. 兰永新,史永堂, Z-X. Song

Extremal Theta-free planar graphs

Discrete Math.
22. 兰永新,史永堂, Z-X. Song

Extremal H-free planar graphs

Electron. J. Combin.
23. 雷辉,S. O, 史永堂,D. West, X. Zhu

Extremal problems on saturation for the family of k-edge-connected graphs

Discrete Appl. Math.
24. 陈虎叶,韩华,路在平

Some semisymmetric graphs arising finite vector spaces

J. Algebra Appl.
25. 路在平

On edge-primitive 2-arc-transitive graphs

J Combin Ser A.
26. C.H. Li,J.J. Li,路在平

Two-arc-transitive graphs of odd order

J. Algebraic Combin.
27. 路在平,E.J. Xu

On arc-transitive cayley digraphs of out-valency 3

Discrete Math.
28. 陈虎叶,路在平

On vertex-transitive self-complementary digraphs

Ars Combin.