
1. 崔素平,谷珊珊

Congruences for 9-regular partitions modulo 3

Ramanujan J.
2. 侯庆虎,汪荣华

An Algorithm for Deciding the Summability of Bivariate Rational Functions

Adv. Appl. Math.
3. 陈永川,孙慧,汪荣华,张莉

 Ramanujan-type congruences for overpartitions modulo 5

J. Number Theory
4. 陈永川,季青,臧经涛

Proof of the Andrews-Dyson-Rhoades conjecture on the spt-crank

Adv. in Math.
5. 陈永川,王星炜,谢懿彪

Finite differences of the logarithm of the partition function

Math. Comput.
6. 陈永川,樊如冰,于婷

Ramanujan-type congruences for broken 2-diamond partitions modulo 3

中国科学 数学
7. 任晓艳,窦全杰

On the q-log-convexity conjecture of Sun

Utilitas Math.
8. 崔素平,谷珊珊

Congruences for Broken 3-diamond and $7$ dots bracelet partitions

Ramanujan J.
9. 陈永川,季青,臧经涛

The spt-crank for ordinary partitions

J. Reine Angew. Math.
10. 陈永川,季青,沈一颖

On the Positive Moments of Ranks of Partitions

Electron. J. Combin. 21(1) (2014) #P1.29
11. 陈永川,范久瑜,郭嘉祥,郭龙,黄昊阳,钟欣欣

Combinatorial Proof of the Inversion Formula on the Kazhdan-Lusztig R-Polynomials

Math. Z.
12. 谌娜,陈永川,周大跑

On Pattern Avoiding Alternating Permutations

European J. Combin.
13. 蔡庆琼,李学良,赵燕

The 3-rainbow index and connected dominating sets

J. Comb. Optim.
14. J.X. Liu,李学良

Hermitian-adjacency matrices and Hermitian energies of mixed graphs

Linear Algebra Appl.
15. 韩华,路在平

Semisymmetric graphs admitting primitive groups of degree 9p

Sci. China Ser. A
16. 刘贵贤,路在平

On edge-transitive cubic graphs of square-free order

European J. Combin.
17. C.H. Li,路在平,G.X. Wang

On edge-transitive tetravalent graphs of square-free order

J. Algebraic Combin.
18. 韩华,路在平

On locally primitive graphs of order 18p

Chin. Ann. Math.
19. C.H. Li,路在平,J.M. Pan

Finite vertex-primitive edge-transitive metacirculants

J. Algebraic Combin.
20. 路在平,马迎宾

Graphs with vertex rainbow connection number two

Sci. China Ser. A
21. 路在平,马迎宾

The rainbow vertex connectivities of small cubic graphs

Ars Combin.
22. 蔡庆琼,李学良,宋江立

The (k, l)-rainbow index for complete bipartite and multipartite graphs

Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.
23. S.C. Gong, 李学良,G.H. Xu

On oriented graphs with minimal skew energy

Electron. J. Linear Algebra 27(2014)
24. 李学良,连会书

Skew-spectra and skew energy of various products of graphs

Trans. Combin.
25. 黄飞,李学良,王书晶

On maximum Estrada indices of bipartite graphs with some given parameters

Linear Algebra Appl.
26. 李学良,I. Schiermeyer,杨康,赵燕

Graphs with 4-rainbow index 3 and n-1

Discuss. Math. Graph Theory
27. 李学良,孙跃方,赵燕

Characterization of graphs with rainbow connection number m-2 and m-3

Australas. J. Combin.
28. 李学良,岳军,赵燕

The generalized 3-edge-connectivity of lexicographic product graphs

LNCS (Proc. COCOA2014)
29. 陈琳,刘金凤,史永堂

Matching energy of unicyclic and bicyclic graphs with a given diameter

30. 李学良,马晶,史永堂,岳军

Note on a Turan-type problem on distances

Ars Combin.
31. 李学良,于桂海

The skew-rank of oriented graphs

中国科学  数学
32. 黄小龙,李恒哲,李学良,孙跃方

Oriented diameter and rainbow connection number of a graph

Discrete Math. Theoret. Comput. Sci.
33. H. Chen,李学良

Color degree condition for long rainbow paths in edge-colored graphs

Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.
34. 李学良,王建锋

Randic energy and Randic eigenvalues

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
35. 陈琳,史永堂

The maximal matching energy of tricyclic graphs

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
36. 黄小龙,李学良,史永堂,岳军,赵燕

Rainbow connections for outerplanar graphs with diameter 2 and 3

Appl. Math. Comput.
37. 顾冉,黄飞,李学良

General Randic matrix and general Randic energy

Trans. Combin.
38. 李学良,毛亚平

The generalized 3-connectivity of lexicographic product graphs

Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci.
39. M. Dehmer, F. Emmert-Streib, 史永堂

Interrelations of graph distance measures based on topological indices

PLOS ONE 9(4)(2014), e94985
40. 顾冉,李学良,刘金凤

Note on three results on Randic energy and incidence energy

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
41. 陈莉莉,李学良,刘蒙蒙

Tricyclic graphs with maximal revised Szeged index

Discrete Appl. Math.
42. M. Dehmer,李学良,史永堂

Connections between generalized graph entropies and graph energy

43. 顾冉,李学良,Y.J. Peng,史永堂

Some Motzkin-Straus type results for non-uniform hypergraphs

J. Comb. Optim.
44. 李学良,刘素娟

Tight upper bound of the rainbow vertex-connection number for 2-connected graphs

Discrete Appl. Math.
45. 李学良,毛亚平,魏美芹

More on a conjecture about tricyclic graphs with maximal energy

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
46. 李学良,毛亚平

On extremal graphs with at most l internally disjoint Steiner trees connecting any n-1 vertices

Graphs Combin.
47. 蔡庆琼,李学良,宋江立

The (k,l)-rainbow index of random graphs

Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.
48. 李学良,杨康,赵燕,I. Schiermeyer

Graphs with 3-rainbow index n-1 and n-2

Discuss. Math. Graph Theory
49. 李学良,毛亚平

The minimal size of a graph with given generalized 3-edge-connectivity

Ars Combin.
50. 马晶,史永堂,岳军

The Wiener polarity index of graph products

Ars Combin.
51. M. Dehmer, 史永堂

The uniqueness of Dmax matrix graph invariants

52. 陈莉莉,李学良,杨康,赵燕

The 3-rainbow index of a graph

Discuss. Math. Graph Theory
53. 李学良,史永堂,魏美芹,李静

On a conjecture about tricyclic graphs with maximal energy

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
54. 李静,李学良,连会书

Extremal skew energy of digraphs with no even cycles

Trans. Combin.
55. 顾冉,李学良,史永堂

Degree powers in C5-free graphs

Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.
56. S.D. Adhikaria,高维东,G.Q. Wang

Erdos-Ginzburg-Ziv theorem for finite commutative semigroups

Semigroup Forum 88(3) (2014) 555--568
57. 高维东,Y.L. Li,J.T. Peng

An upper bound for Davenport constant of finite groups

J. Pure Appl. Algebra 218(10) (2014) 1838--1844
58. 高维东,韩冬春,G.Y. Qian,Y.K. Qu,张汉斌

On additive bases II

Acta Arith.
59. 高维东,赵萍萍,J.J. Zhuang

Zero-sum subsequences of distinct lengths

Int. J. Number Theory
60. 高维东,韩冬春,J.T. Peng,F. Sun

On zero-sum subsequences of length k exp(G)

J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 125 (2014) 240--253
61. 陈永川,郭强辉,孙慧,王健

Zigzag stacks and m-regular linear stacks

J. Comput. Biol. 21(12) (2014) 915--935