
1. 刘健,刘九强

Set systems with cross L-intersection and k-wise L-intersecting families

Discrete Math. 309 (2009), 5920-5925
2. 侯庆虎,Y.-P. Mu

Minimal universal denominators for linear difference equations

J. Difference Equ. Appl.
3. 谷珊珊,H. Prodinger,S. Wagner

Bijections for a class of labeled plane trees

European J. Combin.
4. G. N. Han,季青

Combining hook length formulas and BG-ranks for partitions via the Littlewood ___decomposition

Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
5. 陈永川,韩思伟,Christian Reidys

Random k-noncrossing RNA structures

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106 (52) (2009) 22061-22066
6. 陈容,向开南

A note on totally free matroids

Graphs Combin.
7. 陈永川,高永,何佳

Labeled partitions with colored permutations

Discrete Math. 309 (21) (2009) 6235-6244
8. 付梅,H. Pan,张帆

Symmetric identities on Bernoulli polynomials

J. Number Theory
9. 季青

The combinatorics of k-marked Durfee symbols

Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
10. 陈永川,唐凌,赵飞燕

Derangement polynomials and excedances of type B

Electron. J. Combin. 16(2) (2009), #R15
11. 陈永川,高星强,郭龙

Hook length formulas for trees by Han's expansion

Electron. J. Combin.
12. 陈永川,顾春燕

The reverse ultra log-concavity of the Boros-Moll polynomials

Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
13. 陈永川,刘九强,王星炜

Families of sets with intersecting clusters

SIAM J. Discrete Math. 23(3) (2009) 1249-1260
14. 王彬,向开南

On k-tuple domination of random graphs

Appl. Math. Lett. 22 (2009) 1513-1517
15. 付梅,张帆

Inverse Relations and the Products of Bernoulli Polynomials

Graphs Combin.
16. 付梅,A. Lascoux

Non Symmetric Cauchy Kernels for the Classical Groups

J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 116 (2009) 903–917.
17. L. Shapiro,王健

A bijection between 3-Motzkin paths and Schroder paths with no peak at odd height

J. Integer Sequences 12 (2009) Article 09.3.2.
18. 谷珊珊,H. Prodinger

Bijections for 2-plane trees and ternary trees

European J. Combin.
19. 高尉,侯庆虎,辛国策

On P-partitions related to ordinal sums of posets

European J. Combin. 30(5) (2009) 1370-1381
20. 陈永川,唐凌,王星炜,杨立波

The q-Log-convexity of the generating functions of the squares of binomial coefficients

Adv. Appl. Math. 44 (2010) 85-110.
21. 陈永川,秦晶,Christian Reidys,D. Zeilberger

Efficient counting and asymptotics of k-noncrossing tangled diagrams

Electron. J. Combin. 16 (2009) #R37
22. 陈永川,窦全杰,唐凌,杨立波

The srank Conjecture on Schur's Q-Functions

Pacific J. Math. 244 (2) (2010) 211-234.
23. 陈永川,孙慧

Extended Zeilberger's algorithm for identities on Bernoulli and Euler polynomials

J. Number Theory 129 (2009) 2111--2132
24. 陈永川,高永,季青,李永祥

A unification of two refinements of Euler's partition theorem

Ramanujan J. 23 (1) (2010) 137-149
25. 陈永川,庞兴梅,曲晓英

On the combinatorics of the Boros-Moll polynomials

Ramanujan J. 21 (1) (2010) 41-51
26. 李学良,史永堂

Randic index, diameter and average distance

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
27. 杜文学,李学良,李一阳

Various energies of random graphs

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
28. M. Kano,鲁红亮,于青林

Component factors with large components in graphs

Applied Math Letter.
29. 姚祥妹

Maximum energy trees with one maximum and one second maximum degree vertex

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
30. Yuqing Lin,鲁红亮,吴云建,于青林

On super-connectivity of (4,g)-cages with even girth Networks

31. 鲁红亮,吴云建,于青林,Yuqing Lin

New improvements on connectivity of cages

Acta Math. Sinica
32. 鲁红亮,于青林

Constructive proof of deficiency theorem of (g,f)-factor

Sci China Ser.A
33. 鲁红亮,杨旭,于青林

A note on vertex-coloring edge-weighting of graphs

Front. Math. China, 4 (2009), 325-334.
34. 李莎莎,李学良,马红平,I. Gutman

On triregular graphs whose energy exceeds the number of vertices

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
35. 李靖建,路在平,王改霞

A note on bi-normal Cayley Graphs

Ars Combin.
36. 李靖建,路在平

Cubic s-arc transitive Cayley graphs

Discrete Math. 309 (2009) 6014-6025
37. 李学良,李一阳,史永堂

Note on the energy of regular graphs

Linear Algebra Appl.
38. 李学良,李一阳

Note on conjugated unicyclic graphs with minimal energy

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
39. Z. M. Jin,李学良

Anti-Ramsey numbers for graphs with independent cycles

Electron. J. Combin. 16(1) (2009), #R85
40. 李学良,孙跃方

Rainbow connection numbers of line graphs

Ars Combin.
41. 李学良,马红平

All connected graphs with maximum degree at most 3 whose energies are equal to the number of vertices

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
42. 李学良,马红平

All hypoenergetic graphs with maximum degree at most 3

Linear Algebra Appl.
43. 李学良,刘建熙

A proof of a conjecture on the Randic index of graphs with given girth

Discrete Appl. Math.
44. 李学良,刘建熙

Complete solution to a conjecture on the Randic index of triangle-free graphs

Discrete Math.
45. 李学良,马红平

Hypoenergetic and strongly hypoenergetic k-cyclic graphs

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
46. 李静,李学良

Note on bipartite unicyclic graphs of a given bipartition with minimal energy

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
47. 李学良,徐志霞

Rainbow number of matchings in regular bipartite graphs

Applied Math. Letter
48. 李学良,B. Liu,刘建熙

Complete solution to a conjecture on Randic index

Eur. J. Oper. Res.
49. 李学良,罗杨

Weighted Lee algorithm on rectilinear Steiner tree with obstacles and boundary

Proceedings of CSIE'09, IEEE Computer Society
50. 杜文学,李学良,史永堂

Algorithms and extremal problem on Wiener polarity index

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 62(1) (2009)
51. M. Freeze,高维东,A. Geroldinger

The critical number of finite abelian groups

J. Number Theory
52. 高维东,彭江涛

On the number of zero-sum subsequences of restricted size

53. 高维东,A. Geroldinger,D. J. Grynkiewicz

Inverse zero-sum problems III

Acta Arith.
54. 高维东,Y.L. Li

The Erdos-Ginzburg-Ziv Theorem for finite solvable groups

J. Pure Appl. Algebra
55. 黄文达,秦晶,Christian Reidys,P. Stadler

Target prediction and a statistical sampling algorithm for RNA-RNA interaction

56. 黄文达,秦晶,Christian Reidys,P. Stadler

RNA-RNA Interaction Predition_ Partition function and base pair pairing probabilities

57. 靳宇,Christian Reidys

RNA pseudoknot structures with arc-length ≥ 3 and stack-length ≥ σ

Discrete Appl. Math.
58. 靳宇,Christian Reidys

Irreducibility in RNA structures

Bull. Math. Bio.
59. 黄文达,彭文军,Christian Reidys

Folding 3-noncrossing RNA pseudoknot structures

J. Comp. Biol.
60. 靳宇,Christian Reidys

On the decomposition of k-noncrossing RNA structures

Adv. Appl. Math.
61. 韩思伟,Christian Reidys

Stacks in Canonical RNA pseudoknot structures

Math. Biosci.