
1. 陈永川,桑冬鸣,施亚辉

An overpartition analogue of Bressoud's theorem of Rogers-Ramanujan-Gordon type

Ramanujan J.
2. 杜康,侯庆虎

Partially ordinal sums and P-partitions

Electron. J. Combin. 19(4) (2012) #P29
3. 陈永川,任晓艳,杨立波

Proof of a positivity conjecture on Schur functions

J. Combin. Theory Ser. A
4. 李雪珊,缪银凤

Invariant principal order ideals under Foata's transformation

Electron. J. Combin. 19(4) (2012) #P3
5. 陈永川,A.J. Yee,朱佳文

Euler's partition theorem with upper bounds on multiplicities

Electron. J. Combin. 19(3) (2012) #P41
6. 陈永川,龚泽,郭剑锋

The sorting index and permutation codes

Adv. in Appl. Math.
7. 陈永川,桑冬鸣,施亚辉

The Rogers-Ramanujan-Gordon theorem for overpartitions

Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 106(6) (2013) 1371-1393
8. 陈永川,窦全杰,杨立波

Branden's conjectures on the Boros-Moll polynomials

Internat. Math. Res. Notices
9. 陈永川,夏先伟

2-Log-concavity of the Boros-Moll polynomials

Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc.
10. 陈永川,高星强,郭龙

q-hook length formulas for signed labeled forests

Adv. Appl. Math. 51(5) (2013) 563--582
11. 陈永川,王健

Noncrossing linked partitions and large (3, 2)-Motzkin paths

Discrete Math.
12. C.H. Li,路在平,王改霞

Vertex-transitive cubic graphs of square-free order

J. Graph Theory
13. C.H. Li,Z. Liu,路在平

The edge-transitive tetravalent Cayley graphs of square-free order

Discrete Math.
14. 韩华,路在平

Semisymmetric graphs of order 6p^2 and prime valency

Sci. China Ser. A
15. 李学良,李一阳,史永堂,I. Gutman

Note on the HOMO-LUMO index of graphs

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
16. 李学良,毛亚平,史永堂

The strong rainbow vertex-connection of graphs

Utilitas Math.
17. 李恒哲,李学良,孙跃方,赵燕

Note on minimally d-rainbow connected graphs

Graphs Combin.
18. 李学良,史永堂,孙跃方

Rainbow connections of graphs – A survey

Graphs Combin.
19. 董九英,李学良

Rainbow connection numbers and the minimum degree sum of a graph

Sci. China Ser. A
20. 李学良,刘蒙蒙,I. Schiermeyer

Rainbow connection number of dense graphs

Discuss. Math. Graph Theory
21. 董九英,李学良

Rainbow connection number, bridges and radius

Graphs Combin.
22. 李学良,史永堂

Rainbow connection in 3-connected graphs

Graphs Combin.
23. 陈莉莉,李学良,连会书

Nordhaus-Gaddum-type theorem for rainbow connection number of graphs

Graphs Combin.
24. 李学良,史永堂,L.S. Wang

On a relation between Randic index and algebraic connectivity

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
25. 李学良,史永堂

On the rainbow vertex-connection

Discuss. Math. Graph Theory
26. 李恒哲,李学良,孙跃方

The generalized 3-connectivity of Cartesian product graphs

Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci.
27. Z.M. Jin,李学良

Partitioning complete graphs by heterochromatic trees

Acta Math. Appl. Sin.
28. 李学良,刘素娟

Rainbow connection number and connectivity

Electron. J. Combin. 19 (2012), #P20
29. 李恒哲,李学良,刘素娟

Rainbow connection of graphs with diameter 2

Discrete Math.
30. M.N. Chintamani,B.K. Moriya,高维东,P. Paul,R. Thangadurai

New upper bounds for the Davenport and for the Erdos–Ginzburg–Ziv constants

Arch. Math. (Basel) 98(2) (2012) 133–142
31. 高维东,王林林

On the maximal cross number of unique factorization zero-sum sequences over a finite abelian group

32. 范玉双,高维东,王国庆,钟庆海,庄举娟

On short zero-sum subsequences of zero-sum sequences

European J. Combin.
33. 范玉双,高维东,王林林,钟庆海

Two zero-sum invariants on finite abelian groups

European J. Combin.