
1. 陈永川,庞兴梅,曲晓英

Partially 2-colored permutations and the Boros-Moll polynomials

Ramanujan J.
2. 陈永川,杜康,梅彬

Combinatorial telescoping for an identity of Andrews on parity in partitions

European J. Combin. 33 (2012) 510-518
3. 陈永川,范久瑜,赵飞燕

Partitions and partial matchings avoiding neighbor patterns

European J. Combin. 33 (2012) 491-504
4. 谷珊珊,H. Prodinger

On some continued fraction expansions of the Rogers-Ramanujan type

Ramanujan J.
5. 陈永川,侯庆虎,靳海涛

The Abel-Zeilberger algorithm

Electron. J. Combin. 18(2) (2011), #P17
6. 陈永川,高星强,郭龙

On Han's hook length formulas for trees

Electron. J. Combin. 18 (2011) #P155
7. 陈永川,范久瑜,贾岩涛

Labeled ballot paths and the Springer numbers

SIAM J. Discrete Math. 25 (2011) 1530-1546
8. 陈永川,侯庆虎,穆彦平

The extended Zeilberger algorithm with parameters

J. Symbolic Comput. 47(6) (2012) 643–654
9. 陈永川,王也洲,赵飞燕

Identities derived from noncrossing partitions of type B

Electron. J. Combin. 18 (2011) #P129
10. 陈永川,郭龙

Oscillating rim hook tableaux and colored matchings

Adv. in Appl. Math. 48 (2012) 393-406
11. 陈永川,顾春燕,马君,王星炜

Higher order log-concavity in Euler's difference table

Discrete Math. 311 (20) (2011) 2128-2134
12. 陈永川,刘宏

Permutation tableaux and the dashed permutation pattern 32–1

Electron. J. Combin. 18 (2011) #P111
13. 陈永川,顾春燕,马君

Minimal permutations and 2-regular skew tableaux

Adv. Appl. Math. 47 (4) (2011) 795-812
14. 陈永川,王星炜,夏先伟

The interlacing log-concavity of the Boros-Moll polynomials

Pacific J. Math. 254(1) (2011) 89-99
15. 陈焕林,付梅

A 2n-point interpolation formula with its applications to q-identities

Discrete Math.
16. 陈永川,林丽双

Arithmetic properties of overpartition pairs

Acta Arith. 151(3) (2012) 263-277
17. 陈永川,范久瑜,贾岩涛

The generating function for the Dirichlet series Lm(s)

Math. Comput. 81(278) (2012) 1005-1023
18. Q.D. Kang,刘九强,王星炜

Restricted t-wise L-intersecting families on set systems

European J. Combin.
19. 计省进,李静

An approach to the problem of the maximal energy of bicyclic graphs

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
20. 邓兴超,K.N. Xiang,B. Wu

Polynomial algorithm for sharp upper bound of rainbow connection number of maximal outerplanar graphs

Appl. Math. Lett.
21. 董九英,李学良

Upper bound involving parameter sigma_2 for the rainbow connection number

Acta Math. Appl. Sin.
22. 李莎莎,连会书

Comment on “A proof for a conjecture on the Randic index of graphs with diameter”

Appl. Math. Lett.
23. 李恒哲,李学良,刘素娟

The (strong) rainbow connection numbers of Cayley graphs on Abelian groups

Comput. Math. Appl.
24. 李学良,孙跃方

On the strong rainbow connection of a graph

Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.
25. 李静,李学良

On the maximal energy trees with one maximum and one second maximum degree vertex

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.
26. 陈莉莉,李学良,刘蒙蒙

Nordhaus-Gaddum-type bounds for the rainbow vertex-connection number of a graph

Util. Math.
27. 李莎莎,李学良,史永堂

The minimal size of a graph with generalized connectivity kappa_3 = 2

Australasian J. Combin.
28. 李学良,孙跃方

Rainbow connection numbers of complementary graphs

Util. Math.
29. 李莎莎、李学良

Note on the hardness of generalized connectivity

J. Comb. Optim.
30. 李莎莎、李玮、李学良

The generalized connectivity of complete bipartite graphs

Ars Combin.
31. 陈莉莉,李学良,史永堂

The complexity of determining the rainbow vertex-connection of a graph

Theoret. Comput. Sci.
32. 李静,李学良,史永堂

On the maximal energy tree with two maximum degree vertices

Linear Algebra Appl.
33. 李学良,李一阳

The asymptotic behavior of the Estrada index for trees

Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.
34. 陈小林,李学良

A solution to a conjecture on two rainbow connection numbers of a graph

Ars Combin.
35. 火博丰,李学良,史永堂

Complete solution to a conjecture on the maximal energy of unicyclic graphs

European J. Combin.
36. 火博丰,计省进,李学良,史永堂

Solution to a conjecture on the maximal energy of bipartite bicyclic graphs

Linear Algebra Appl.
37. 李学良,孙跃方

Upper bounds for the rainbow connection numbers of line graphs

Graphs Combin.]
38. G.J. Chang,S.H. Chen,瞿勇科,G.Q. Wang,H.Y. Zhang

On the number of subsequences with a given sum in a finite abelian group

lectron. J. Combin. 18 (2011) #P133
39. 郭旦,瞿勇科,G.Q. Wang,Q.H. Wang

Extremal incomplete sets in finite abelian groups

Ars Combin.
40. 范玉双,高维东,钟庆海

On the Erd\"{o}s-Ginzburg-Ziv constant of finite abelian groups of high rank

J. Number Theory
41. 高维东,A. Geroldinger,王庆红

A quantitative aspect of non-unique factorizations the Narkiewicz constants.

Int. J. Number Theory
42. 李想,M. Marz,秦晶,Christian Reidys

RNA-RNA interaction prediction based on multiple sequence alignments.
